The people who best utilize violence to harm others (street thugs, and criminal predators) have absolutely ZERO training.
They’re usually not in good shape (being strung out on drugs doesn't lead to physical fitness), and many are, frankly, dumber than dirt.
But the one thing they DO know is the Secret to Winning while using violence...
Once you learn this Secret, you’ll understand why you CAN quickly use it to take control of any violent predatory attack, with just minimal training...
Regardless of your age, size, sex, physical limitations, whatever... none of that matters!
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The dirty little secret that NO ONE in the self-defense world has ever explained to you...until now!
Dear Friend,
There is nothing more terrifying… more traumatizing… then finding yourself or your family in a violent situation and not knowing what to do.
After something like that happens to you, your life and how you look at it can be radically altered. Most people search for something to help them not feel helpless or powerless ever again.
Some turn to martial arts, but get frustrated by the amount of time it takes to become proficient. Years, if they’re lucky. Even then, their skills rapidly decline if not practiced often.
Other people look to firearms as the ultimate self defense solution. Guns work great, and given the choice I’d rather have my Glock any day of the week.
But the reality is, most violent encounters are over in less than 5 seconds – faster than even a skilled marksmen can draw their weapon and get off a shot!
And let’s face it… every day the politicians are slowly whittling away our basic right to defend ourselves. (In California, it’s illegal to even carry most types of pepper spray).
Now, thanks to George Zimmerman, the government is waging an all-out-assault on the “stand your ground” laws that many states fought so hard to implement. It’s almost as if they want thugs and violent criminals to win!
They say the “police” are there to protect us. Yet I have many friends who are officers and do you know their response? “You’re on your own for at least 20 minutes, if not more!”
These days there are so many places you can’t carry.
How do you handle that angry kid who suddenly sticks a knife to your throat while at a concert with your wife? What's your response to the cold steel of a gun barrel buried into your skull when it’s late at night and you’re standing in a dark parking lot fumbling for your car keys?
And today, even when you can carry concealed, more and more events & venues have their own security and screening to catch all weapons at the entrance.
Islamic Fundamentalists willing to blow themselves up in a store full of women and children...
Men so hopped up on Bath Salts that even the pain from several gunshot wounds couldn’t stop them from chewing off your face...
Drug dealers willing to cut off a tourist’s head, just to make a point...
Enter your bullet points here..
The system had to be something that didn’t require speed, strength or athletic skill.
It had to be easily and rapidly learned and retained by all personnel.
It had to seamlessly integrate with all weapons.
It had to easily escalate from non-lethal to lethal.
It had to be 100% effective – in other words... it must work EVERY time without fail.
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“As President of the International Society of Close Quarter Combatants, I’ve seen and tested perhaps hundreds of various martial arts and self defense programs.
Tim’s ‘Target Focus Training’ is by far one of the most devastating self protection systems I’ve trained in throughout nearly 30 years of combatives training. What I particularly found amazing was the ability to almost instantly ‘infuse’ these powerful tactics into the body’s mind-muscle connection.
The result is a natural ‘flow’ to the movements that waste no time in taking out any attacker in mere seconds while instilling bullet-proof confidence that if YOU are the only thing standing between a violent criminal and your family hiding behind you…you’ll know EXACTLY what to do to destroy the threat and walk away safe!”

It’s some pretty graphic stuff, but violence you’ll face on the street today is FAR worse than you can begin to imagine. That’s why you must see this material to understand what you’re up against. This is what you must prepare for if you hope to survive. It’s not easy to watch… but it’s necessary.
They’re not. They’re all sports. And this means they ALL have rules in place to keep people safe.
TFT is NOT about defense, it’s NOT about protecting yourself, it’s NOT about how to win a bar fight. Plain and simple – TFT is about doing whatever it takes to survive.
It's the original reality-based survival system... taught to US Navy SEALS back in the late 1980's... and still taught to these fearless warriors TODAY in week-long sessions in San Diego.
What you'll see on these videos is no different than what's initially taught to the SEAL command either. And that's why watching them will forever change the way you think about violence and self protection.
For the first time the veil will be down and you can really prepare.
It’s the stuff NOBODY else in the self-defense world will even talk about.
How (and why) to use violence as a tool to survive.
How to cause as much damage as a bullet using your bare hands.
Why most "knife defense" techniques will get you killed.
The #1 secret for survival nobody will talk about… and why it’s the ONLY thing that tips the scales in your favor during a violent attack.
The mindset you must adopt to have any chance against armed attackers.
73 weak areas of the body you can exploit to your ultimate advantage.
How changing a strike by a mere two inches can have devastating effect on your attacker.
How to practice so these skills are deeply embedded into your nervous system (Puts your life-saving reactions on auto-pilot. You'll do what's needed automatically, even if you haven't practiced for months or years).
Why most “fancy” moves and "fightng techniques" are completely useless in a real world fight.
How to WIN against bigger, armed attackers when your life is on the line.
And much much more!
Enter your bullet points here..

In these lessons, we’ve included
6 key target ‘areas’ that give you a solid foundation for
surviving violence
(almost 2 hours of video!).
easy-to-injure body targets for inflicting maximum damage with the least effort (PLUS: how to easily "break" those targets without using strength or agility)
The best way to practice so you "deep-encode" these skills into your nervous system. (Very little practice is required to be effective against even the most aggressive attackers. And when you practice this special way - you can be confident you'll be locked-and-loaded whenever the time comes)
Why training “fast” or at full speed is the worst thing you can do. (I'll show you how to quickly learn these skills and safely practice these crippling attacks with anyone, at any time)
The number one mistake people make when attacking the eyes.
The area of your body known as the “lead pipe” and how to use it to drop a bigger man in seconds.
The part of your body you should never use in a fight.
Two unusual and easy-to-damage targets that will cripple your attacker and leave him helpless on the ground.
How a small person can make a bigger guy fly backward with minimal effort.
And much much more!
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It's time to learn the easy and safe way to practice putting these targets to use against another person.
Because in the end - its all about the image here. An attacker, lying on the ground, completely unable to continue their assault...
This is The Video That Ties Everything Together...
Up until now, you’ve been learning how to cause injury to specific targets – but these in and of themselves won’t save your life.
In this final video I show you how to sequentially attack one target after another, in random order as they naturally appear to you, until your attacker is lying on the ground, a quivering heap of non-functioning meat… (or even dead, if that’s what it takes to save your own life).
It’s this one-of-a-kind process that allows you to quickly learn how to instantly handle ANY type of violence, without memorization, regardless of your size, athletic ability, or physical limitations.
NO other self defense program on the market teaches you this because they think it’s too extreme (it’s why TFT is banned in the UK today).
But if you’re a young mother or father and need to protect your children... there is no such thing.
The key to rapidly taking a violent attacker to non-functional in just seconds.
How to be the one who walks away, home safe to your family - without having to go to the hospital.
The primary postures you will see in almost every violent situation and how to use them to your advantage (These tips will help keep you safe).
Why practicing when you are completely tired can be a huge advantage.
And much much more!
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This two part lesson covers aspects that EVERY person taking steps to lead a safer life must know...EVEN if you don't own or carry a firearm!
Why the fact an attacker has a firearm is irrelevant to your ability to survive the attack.
The simplest thing you can do to ALWAYS retain your firearm and give yourself an immediate upper-hand in the situation.
How to stop over-thinking the subject of facing an attacker with a firearm..
Why the "cool" disarms, and "moves" that many teachers and systems promote can get you killed.
And much much more!
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Free-Practice is the KEY to the most effective self-protection system ever created! This lesson covers how to string all of your new-found knowledge and abilities together into a subconscious program you will instantly be able to recall!
Understanding when the attack is over, and why NOT knowing this could cost you your life.
Why continuously training "squaring off" is useless in the real world.
Using mental dialog to cement injury-giving abilities into your brain.
How free-practice opens the door to understanding self-protection in any situation, because it's all about injuring a "profile" regardless of the type of attacker.
And much much more!
Enter your bullet points here..

This book is the foundation to the entire TFT system. It was written for the everyday layperson that clearly and unemotionally makes the case for using violence as your ultimate survival tool.
Controversial yet compelling, it has been called “the only book of its kind that takes you behind the scenes of true criminal violence and shows you WHAT you must do to survive it.
It’s not about techniques.
In fact, none were included. That’s because focusing on individual techniques without understanding the overriding principles needed to stop some thug dead in his tracks is a critical reason almost no one has any idea how to actually survive violence.
Why most people freeze in a life-or-death situation… and what YOU can do to avoid it.
The essential differences between Anti-Social vs. Asocial Violence. (Knowing this could save your life and the life of those you love).
The #1, essential thing you have to do to survive the most Critical 5 Seconds of Your life.
Why learning “traditional” Martial Arts leaves you hopelessly unprepared for a real world fight. (You can study for years and still get your butt kicked by a drug addict half your size).
And much more...
Enter your bullet points here..

You’re going to learn the unique process Target Focus Training uses to teach you how to put together a system of self-protection that requires NO memorization and NO monotonous repetitive training of traditional techniques. (You’ll never use those in truly random street violence anyway!)
This bonus video lets you watch "Free Practice" in action with two of our instructors.
This unique training approach allows you to focus on only ONE thing at a time, enabling you to act in spite of your worst fears... and in the process take control of a worst-case situation.
It’s a short video... but one you’ll watch over and over again. It’s what you ultimately want to strive for in your practice.

In a famous police study called the “Tueller Drill”, officers showed that when a rushing attacker was within 21 feet, even trained officers could not draw and shoot before he overwhelmed them.
People who own a gun mistakenly believe they are protected against any type of violence as long as they have access to their firearm.
The shocking truth is that accessing your gun during a violent encounter requires far more time than anyone could imagine.
Here, I explain why this happens, and include the actual video of Sgt Dennis Tueller, the man who conducted the original tests.
The results show you why you must possess solid hand-to-hand skills to handle close quarters attacks. Your gun is NOT sufficient to protect you!

I hope you NEVER have to use this information!
Stay Safe!
Tim Larkin

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Over 2.5 Hours of Instruction in the basic skills of reality-based self-protection
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